Holsworthy St Peters Fair Week
02 July 2011 10 July 2011When: 02 July 2011 to 10 July 2011
Sat 2nd July
Holsworthy Football Club 6 a-Side football on full size pitch 11 am at Upcott Field. Ring 253006 or 253907 to enter team.
Car Boot sale in the Town Square, proceeds for Holsworthy Parish Church Sellers assemble from 1pm, Buyers 2pm – 4pm.
Roman Catholic Church Mass in the Church at 6.30pm
B.B.Q by Holsworthy Rotary Club
LIVE MUSIC from 8pm with “Dodgy Practice” The finest live party band in the South West!
Sunday 3rd July
Sung Eucharist/ Patronal Festival at the church at 10am
Methodist Service from 11am at the Bodmin Street Church
‘PARTY IN THE SQUARE’ from 2pm until 5pm. ‘Fairy Tales’
Holsworthy Playgroup Family Fun Afternoon, Local Charity & Youth Organisation Stalls, entertainment, live music from the town’s Youth Bands . Entertainment from Amanda Brook school of dance- fun for all the family!
6.00pm Civic Service in the Parish Church at followed by Holsworthy Town Band in the Square (All are welcome)
B.B.Q by Holsworthy Chamber of Trade
LIVE MUSIC from 7pm- Holsworthy Town Band
8pm- Music from ‘Double ambition’ a local up and coming duet
Monday 4th July
Holsworthy Museum Memories of the Railway open from 11am-1pm Manor Car park
Holsworthy Scout & Guide Groups, Family Fun Evening 6-8pm in Stanhope Park, games, stalls, refreshments and BBQ, fun for all ages, bring the whole family along!
Tuesday 5th July
Holsworthy Museum Memories of the Railway open from 11am-1pm Manor Car park
Meeting of the Court Leet, chaired by the Portreeve in all his finery, with petitions from its members 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall (doors open 7pm)
Followed by Holsworthy Town Band, who will lead the Town Crier, the Portreeve, with members of the Court Leet, to the Ale Houses of the Town for the ‘Ceremonial Ale Tasting’ and the presentation of the ‘Fair Ivy’ to the Landlords.
Town Band will play in the Square on completion of the Court Leet
‘Fair Day’ Wednesday 6th July
8am Proclamation of the opening of the Fair by the Town Crier on the Site of the Old Great Tree of Holsworthy
Followed by the Bread weighing Ceremony.
The Portreeve will present certificates plus an invitation to the Children’s Breakfast to children of Primary School age who attended the Proclamation ( Venue to be announced on the day).
CLIC Sergeant Breakfast in the Memorial Hall from 8am
Pannier Market from 9am.
Entertainment in the Square by Market Traders & Holsworthy Chamber of Trade Fancy Dress- ‘Pantomime Characters Theme’
FREE PARKING - Park and Ride (Weds only )from the New Showfield at Killatree. See posters for more details.
St. Peter’s Fair Sale of Fat stock & Dairy Cattle at the Cattle Market from 10.30am
Holsworthy Museum Memories of the Railway open from 11am-3.30pm Manor Car park
‘Who’s Who in Holsworthy’ Exhibition, Cream Teas, Stalls & Quiz, Children’s Craft corner 10am-9pm in the Bodmin St Methodist Church.
Holsworthy St Peter & St Paul’s Parish Church,’ Royal Celebrations’ Exhibition, Cream Teas cake & produce stall 12-15 to 9pm
Street Entertainment with Jazz from the Stannary Jazz Men in the Square
David Rowland’s FUN FAIR opens from 11am
12pm The Pretty Maid Ceremony at the Church at Midday Followed by the official opening of the Fun Fair by the Pretty Maid accompanied by the Portreeve.
Presentation to the owner of the best Calf on show at the Cattle Market by the outgoing Pretty Maid
St. Peter’s Fair Luncheon in the Memorial Hall at 1.15pm
Pretty Maid’s Tea in the Church at 6pm
Evening Entertainment in the Square :-
B.B.Q by H.A.T.S
Holsworthy Lions Junior Town Crier Competition from 7pm
Followed by Live Music from our Local Bands, ‘Road Kill’ & ‘40% Proof” (The local boys playing some great rock tracks).
Draw tickets on sale all night.
Thursday 7th July
Holsworthy Museum Memories of the Railway open from 11am-1pm Manor Car park
‘Who’s Who in Holsworthy’ Exhibition Cream Teas, Stalls & Quiz, Children’s Craft corner 3pm-9pm in the Bodmin St Methodist Church.
Holsworthy St Peter & St Paul’s Parish Church ’Royal Celebrations’ Exhibition, Cream Teas cake & produce stall. 12.30 –8pm
(Thursday only) ‘Pasty & Pudding’ Lunch 12.30pm -2pm tickets £5 available from Woolacotts
David Rowland’s FUN FAIR opens from 6pm
THE FURRY DANCE start at the park gates at 7.30pm
The Town Band leads The Portreeve, Members of HATS, local youth groups (and anyone else who fancies it!) to dance through the streets (and some Pubs) of Holsworthy finishing in the Square
Followed by Live Music with “Shaun Michael & friends”. Although described as a balladeer, Shaun’s repertoire encompasses so much more than just ballads and includes many old Irish, Country and Sixties favourites
B.B.Q by Holsworthy Scouts or Guides.
Draw tickets on sale all night.
Friday 8th July
Holsworthy Museum open from 11am-1pm Manor Car park
‘Who’s Who in Holsworthy’ Exhibition,Cream Teas, Stalls & Quiz, Children’s Craft corner 3pm-9pm in the Bodmin St Methodist Church.
Holsworthy St Peter & St Paul’s Parish Church, ‘Royal Celebrations’ Exhibition, Cream Teas cake & produce stall 2pm –8pm.
Pedestrian TREASURE HUNT starting at the Church porch at 7pm
David Rowland’s FUN FAIR opens from 6pm
In The Square
B.B.Q by Holsworthy St Johns Ambulance.
LIVE-MUSIC back by popular request! ‘Lucid’ totally original and unique!
Draw tickets on sale all night.
Saturday 9th July
‘Who’s Who in Holsworthy’ Exhibition, Cream Teas, Stalls & Quiz, Children’s Craft corner 3pm-9pm in the Bodmin St Methodist Church.
Holsworthy St Peter & St Paul’s Parish Church, ’Royal Celebrations’ Exhibition, Cream Teas cake & produce stall 10.00am – 8.00pm.
David Rowland’s FUN FAIR opens from 2pm
Roman Catholic Church Mass from 6.30pm
Holsworthy Lions event Pram Race finishing in the Square see posters.
B.B.Q by Holsworthy Lions
7.30pm in the Square We start the evening off with Jimmy Tamely,something for our younger audience followed by -
LIVE MUSIC FINALE from 9pm with ‘Showmaddymaddy & Badness – Two top tributes!
ST PETER’S FAIR DRAW around 10pm (drawn by the Pretty Maid on the stage)
Sunday 10th July
Open Air Service in the Square ( Churches together) 11am
‘‘Who’s Who in Holsworthy’ Exhibition, Cream Teas, Stalls & Quiz, Children’s Craft corner 3pm – 5.30pm Followed by
Songs of Praise in the Bodmin St Methodist Church at 6pm Everyone welcome.
Upcoming events
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Netti Habel: I Cling to the Sky
24 September 2024 to 23 March 2025
Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery
Join a Tour of Crownhill Fort
29 March 2025
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CĂ©line Condorelli, Bulk: Everlasting Colour
24 October 2024 to 30 March 2025
Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery
Music in the Museum: The Old Time Sailors
14 April 2025
Newton Abbot Museum
Poetry and Practice: John Lyons and Osman Yousefzada in conversation
08 February 2025 to 08 January 2026
The Box, Plymouth
Tell Me a Story Special: Easter Bunny Rhymes
18 April 2025 to 18 April 2026
The Box, Plymouth