Totnes  Fashion & Textiles Museum

Totnes Fashion and Textiles Museum

Totnes Fashions and Textiles Museum houses the Devonshire Collection of Period Costume, which contains clothing for men, women and children from the eighteenth century to the twentyfirst century..

Totnes Fashions and Textiles Museum houses the Devonshire Collection of Period Costume, which contains clothing for men, women and children from the eighteenth century to the twentyfirst century.

  • Eighteenth Century

    The Collection holds five silk gowns dating between c1760 and c1785. We have early cotton gowns from the end of this century. The Collection holds a couple of eighteenth century men's suits and a large number of embroidered men's waistcoats, some including metal thread and sequins or ££spangles££.

  • Nineteenth Century

    The Collection holds both formal and informal men's and women's wear including mourning dress wedding dress, uniform and court dress. There are even some sports clothes of the period. There are also a small number of children's and babies' clothes of this period in the Collection. Early in the century cotton is the primary material for the construction of female garments. Later, at about the time of crinoline style garments, silk and wool are re-introduced.

  • Twentieth Century

    The Collection holds a full range of garments from this period for men, women and children. A particular strength of the collection is 1920s and 1930s evening dresses and includes a coat of printed silk velvet by Mariano Fortuny. The men's collection includes uniforms from all three services.

  • Accessories

    Accessories include millinery, shawls, shoes, stockings, bags, parasols, fans, furs and gloves. The earliest item in the Collection is a pair of kid gloves of c1650 with wide gauntlets and heavily embroidered in silver.

  • Textiles

    Many garments are of interest because of the fabric from which they are made as well as for their style. Of particular interest are a collection of printed textiles made by Phyllis Barron and Dorothy Larcher before World War Two and a group of designs by local textile printer Susan Bosence. Efforts are made to collect all types of textiles in use for garment making up to the present day.

Admission & prices

The museum is now closed.

The collection has moved to the Institute of Fashion and Textiles at Falmouth University.

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Totnes Fashion and Textiles Museum