Newton Abbot Museum Online Shop
We hope you like our updated online store. A few items that are available in person at the museum have not been added here, so you may find some gaps in our current range (this is usually because of very low stock levels for the item, or because we are not sure it would travel well in the post). If you are looking for something specific please contact us and we will do our best to assist. We have additional stock for some items so if you want to make an order containing more than the maximum number displayed for each item, please contact us. We would love to hear from you if you have any feedback or suggestions do please let us know.
GWR souvenirs (4 products found)
Items relating to the railways- great gifts for train enthusiasts
Great Western Railway round badge
Price: £2.00
Metal and enamel badge Caution: contains nickel, contains sharp point.
Oblong signalman's badge
Price: £2.00
Signalman's badge in navy blue Caution contains sharp point.
Oblong signalman's badge
Price: £2.00
Signalman's badge in dark red colour Caution contains sharp point.
Signalman's hat badge
Price: £2.00
Cloth embroidered signalman patch.