Tom Talk 2024

Tom Talk 2024 - Bampton Heritage and Visitor Centre

11 October 2024 11 October 2024

When: 11 October 2024
Where: St Michael & All Angels Church, Station Road, Bampton, EX16 9NG
Time: 19.00 - 21.00
Cost: FREE - Donations to Bampton Heritage & Visitors Centre Appreciated
Suitable for: 18+

Join us for this year's "Tom Talk which lecturer Mark Cottle will give on the subject of Exeter Cathedral: A Portrait in Decorated Gothic; Revealing insights into the spirit of the age of the great cathedrals.

The talk will be followed by refreshments and a chance to talk to Mark Cottle, as well as look around our Heritage Centre.

This talk is free, although we appreciate donations to Bampton Heritage & Visitor Centre.

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